kei’s notes

Cultivate shared understanding to tactically save resources

In collaborative work, focus on building shared understanding amongst the team. This encourages everyone to acquire first-hand information, helps them retain their knowledge, reduces documentation, hand-offs & subsequent briefing, and enables team members to become proactive (Gothelf and Seiden).

==> [Visibility of status empowers user control]
==> [Atomic research helps consolidate locked up knowledge in an organisation]

Problem can arise, though, when information provided to them does not speak to them. This is akin to the exposed legal T&Cs problem to Internet / digital service users, where the majority agree to the conditions and neglect the details their rights (or even relinquish their rights).

==> [Transparency can but not always help establish trust]

Balancing the use of time and having the correct people involved in your meetings are crucial. You want to avoid creating the feeling of meeting marathon or dragging the team’s spirit. If you want to maximise everyone’s participation, optimise your use of their time, and make sure topics discussed hold a significant relevance to the them.

Lean UX suggests that ‘Even if 90% of a meeting is not relevant to your immediate need, the 10% that is relevant will save hours of time downstream explaining what happened at the meeting and why certain decisions were made’ (Gothelf and Seiden 129). Personally I find this is highly questionable.

  • People’s attention span is short (~ 20 minutes) and drops drastically especially when the content is incomprehensible or irrelevant to their interest.
  • By asking people to participate in a merely pertinent meeting, you are taking away their time in which they could have more productively work on other matters.

Last update: 2020-11-08


Gothelf, Jeff and Josh Seiden. Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience. O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2013.

Cultivate shared understanding to tactically save resources